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S44 PT #4 - Definitive Suggestion Box

heckin automated updating!

I don't know if I'm the only one who finds it a touch tedious to grab every link, double check the tpe you get from it, paste it somewhere else, and then apply it. Is it *that* terrible? No, but I don't like doing it. The bigger issue is the need for updaters to take said updates, check each one, punch the numbers in, and then eventually audits come around and it turns out we all have too much tpe anyway.

I suggest that if at all possible (probably not but who knows) we automate updating. Instead of a mess of an update page, each player could simply have, in essence, their own version of the create a player form, which helps you distribute your tpe for the first time. PT staff would simply plug the names in, and 3 tpe would appear in player so-and-sos updates to be spent.

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Germany Elk Aurora [Image: vKrOFwy.png] [Image: VbtOVyg.png] Aurora Elk Germany

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If expansion happens I think it needs to be handled well in terms of what's allowed for GMs to protect on their roster. If not handled well it'd be a real kick in the balls for GMs who've had some good roster management over the seasons and get to see their hard work picked off their team in an expansion draft. Something like 6 forwards, 4 defensemen and then a number of prospects too. Doing a two team expansion is a concept I don't really like as such just because it limits the way GMs can handle the situation. If I want a certain player not to be drafted I have to give up double the amount of assets I would otherwise, which kinda rules out the stuff we saw in the NHL because most teams simply don't have the assets to spend on a deal like that. Take for example the team I manage, the Texas Renegades. We're not even a playoff team this season but we have a roster with some depth and were we not able to protect say the 3 defensemen besides myself on the roster, it'd do an insane amount of damage. It'd probably come to a point where I would retire and recreate or position change were I not able to. I acknowledge we need to give expansion teams something to work with, but for teams to be able to pluck guys off rosters who'd have super high trade value wouldn't be fair at all. It didn't happen in the NHL expansion draft, and with no way of really creating a deal to prevent it with two teams.

If this expansion draft goes ahead, I know we are going to lose active guys of value and that's something I'm okay with. What I'm not okay with is a team losing a superstar player because of restrictions the league puts on who you can protect. When you put a lot of time and effort into putting together a team and locker room environment, losing integral parts of that for nothing is a huge blow to your motivation to put any further effort in. After everything I've said here I personally wholeheartedly agree with @Steelhead77. No one has put forward an argument that I find convincing for expansion; our member numbers haven't grown in years, people act like Reddit drafts are swelling our user base hugely but the fact of the matter is they aren't. People want the exciting side of expansion with new teams in new locations with new uniforms and logos but reality is it isn't a great move diluting the member numbers we have further and adding a couple more bad teams to a league that has enough already will do no good in the long run unless we can find a recruitment strategy that works besides just praying for the Reddit drafts to maintain things.

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I would say that to do an expansion in the upcoming seasons would be at the best timing, considering that all the teams, one by one, slowly are re-branding, coming up with their new, original, logos, two more teams would be great addition to the league. Also we have to take a look at the fact, that we have more additions of new players each year, than retirements. That means the the league is growing and more people are being showed into the big league, that has limited amounts of space. Sure a lot of the players go inactive, but the player technically is still there. Expansion would also make people in the league more excited as some would like to be the first generation of the teams and play for them, some would see that as a good opportunity to put their name out there and be the leader, when it might not be that easy on a deep team. There are many benefits for the league and the players from the expansion, way more that the possible negative sides that might occur with it.

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

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Sponsorships is a no brainer. It's why I suggested it a couple years ago and I bump the thread every offseason. The league has gotten stale with ways to improve your player. Izzy can only do so much with PTs to make them interesting. There needs to be other ways to earn tpe and cash besides PTs and media. I put forth a very compelling argument when I put the sponsorship idea out there. If you want to limit tpe infaltion just make the tpe for it capped. I never understood why when we have a cap there aren't a ton of things to do. You basically have to do every single PT in order to hit said cap. That leaves no room for flavor, if you don't like a PT you still have to do it to get capped since we cut it so fuckin close every season. I dont see any reason there cant be 100 capped Tpe available. The cap is 40 ffs. Give people options to make the site more interesting. Sponsorships can be fun, self sustaining and ways to earn both tpe and cash. All it takes is someone with the balls and vision to see this and get it done.

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I think we should make SHL expansion. I am a part of one of the biggest draft classes in the SHL history. So I think after all Redit drafts not everyone would get a chance to play a big role in SHL. I think we should bring two new teams in SHL in the near future. And maybe also two after 10 seasons because we will have too much players here. We shoud add one team per conference and we should divide two conferences into four divisions. If we calculate 20 players per team then we will have 280 players. I think that it is very low number because in my draft class we have 50 active players so it would be only 6 full draft classes to play in SHL and that is a very low number. We also have many users that want to be a GM so expansion will be great add for SHL.

157 words

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- A 2nd Defenceman Award

Uhh IDK about this, idk about hockey in general but it can't be that bad adding another award for people that usually get little to no love.

- SHL Expansion

Again I'm not entirely sure of the logistics but I believe McZ makes a good case for expansion, Akavael too has expressed interest in the past.

- New way to view the SIM results

How exactly? (Remove PBP's bTW)

- Restructuring of the archetype types (player builds)

Again idk, people have always said that all builds are the same and there's no uniqueness anymore. I think maybe we adopt the GOMHL style of having a certain amount of TPE allowed to be applied to a build? Maybe 1000? / 1500? Idk, spitballing.

- A Higher TPE Cap in the SMJHL

Please. 350TPE is fine when you've got players only spending 1-2 seasons in the SMJHL on average. Right now it's more like 3-4 because we don't have enough teams in the SHL so not enough places. Please for the love of god do not expand the SHL and the SMJHL at the same time.

- Sponsorships & Media changes

Any other route would be great. Media is stale as fuck and any interesting media like Samee's rumors is outright banned. It's like sim league Pol Pot at times. Please for the love of god make the media scale less harsh. Graders act like they're paying it out of their own personal bank accounts with bonuses instead of it being available from thin air.
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 02:59 PM by CFJ.)

- A Higher TPE Cap in the SMJHL

The SMJHL TPE Cap should be at least around 500 TPE, cause the SMJHL is the league where most new users get the SHL fix and the more fun the SMJHL experience is, the longer you're going to last in the SHL when you eventually get drafted and get called up to the SHL level. So the higher the TPE Cap is the more fun you're going to have with your player in the SMJHL. Something that was missing from the suggestion box that I would like to add on for the SMJHL as that everyone in the SMJHL makes the playoffs, The SMJHL is supposed to be the fun league so if every team makes the playoffs to begin with make it a more enjoyable experience for the teams that aren't that good in that they get to experience playoff hockey while rebuilding to become one of the greater teams in the league.

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Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43

PTs in native language

First of all, I'm aware most people on this website are from Canada and the USA and speak english. But I also know there’s people from Germany, Latvia, Finland and some french Canadians like me. I know the league keeps on working and figurine on how to improve the number of members and I think my idea could definately help. Like I mentionned, this league is already world wide, so why limit their users to only do point tasks in english? Something that would take 5 minutes to write in french takes me easily the triple. The concept of this league is awesome but I'm having a hard time to bring in friends because unfortunately their english is not good enough. I'm willing to grade all the french point tasks submission and I'm sure others would volunteer too. Honestly, I see this as a very simple way to bring in a lot of new people.

I think a good way to introduce more media is to have weekly media categories or topics for people to write about. The problem some people (including myself) have with media is figuring out a good topic to write about. IF everyone has a specific topic on a weekly basis that they can write about, then everyone can share opinions on the matter, as well as see generally good thoughts or ideas from other people, as well as earning cash for their player along the way. The media can be tagged in the title for the topic of the week and a team of people (assuming the graders) can choose a few that seemed to make the best points (maybe not the best comments but the best opinions) and can award them extra cash as a bonus for writing the weekly media piece. This can also drum up extra activity on the website, and help retain newer members, giving them a chance to write something and earn cash, allowing them to continue to advance their players after the first season easier.

(This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 06:44 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

11-25-2018, 06:09 PMInf1d3l Wrote: I think a good way to introduce more media is to have weekly media categories or topics for people to write about. The problem some people (including myself) have with media is figuring out a good topic to write about. IF everyone has a specific topic on a weekly basis that they can write about, then everyone can share opinions on the matter, as well as see generally good thoughts or ideas from other people, as well as earning cash for their player along the way. The media can be tagged in the title for the topic of the week and a team of people (assuming the graders) can choose a few that seemed to make the best points (maybe not the best comments but the best opinions) and can award them extra cash as a bonus for writing the weekly media piece. This can also drum up extra activity on the website, and help retain newer members, giving them a chance to write something and earn cash, allowing them to continue to advance their players after the first season easier.

This is a really good idea. Each week have a topic as ‘premium’ which gets media money + 25%. This not only gives people ideas to write about but allows the league to highlight moments which require good media.

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- Sponsorships

I think sponsorship is a very cool concept to introduce to the league as a way to reward people sim rewards but also TPE gains as well as posts. I believe that sponsorships should start for a select few right away after the SHL draft. Plenty of players who are drafted among the top 3 in the real life NHL tend to get sponsorships right away from big brands like Reebok, CCM, Bauer, etc. And while those are nice, the other players drafted in the 1st round still get some attention from smaller brands around the world. Players like Jake Virtanen in the NHL often post on instagram saying "thanks for the truck X Brand" as an example.

People like PK Subban and Luongo who are basically constant jokesters on Twitter and Instagram have been getting more attention than ever such as Subban being the NHL 19 cover likely due to how popular he is in the media. People who post a lot on the site can get some small amounts of $ here and there and maybe even get a SHL 44 cover or something along those lines.

In sim rewards is also, the easiest way to award sponsorships. Being a consistent scorer, a top end goalie, a lethal goal scorer will cause big sports companies to look to you to wear their gear, their clothes, post on twitter about their items. It'd be nice to further reward not just the top 5 players in the league for points with awards but also the players in the middle with 40 points with sponsorships as well.

All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
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So here's my suggestion.

With the reoccurring Reddit draft every 5ish seasons the SMJHL quickly gets stacked, which limits the playtime for most new players, therefor an expansion would make sense, free  up more of that nice playtime that everyone wants. Make the new guys more important to the team. The only concern here is that locker rooms might end up a little empty but that will correct itself over time.
Secondly I'd have a max cap per seasoned played instead of a hard cap, 350 second season, 400 third, 450 etc. So even if you get drafted into a stacked team you wont feel like your player is just the same each season waiting for that call-up.

Thirdly I'd look at an SHL expansion as well, even if you have to run some inactive's in the bottom end of your team big playtime is what we all want no?


I'm a fan of raising the TPE cap for players in the SMJHL depending on how many years they are spending down there. In real life, typically, the better players at the junior level in any sport are usually the older players with more experience and time to grow stronger and smarter about their game. I am sure someone has already suggested this here but I would like to see something along the lines of a 300 TPE cap for players in their first season in juniors, with a 50 or 75 TPE increase to their cap every year after that. So their second season down in juniors they'd have a cap of 350 or 375 and then in their third season a cap of 425 or 450 but nothing higher than that for subsequent years. It would give juniors players something to continue working towards in addition to their player, hopefully, playing better the more years they spend down.

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