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S68 Championship Week Due: January 8th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

CW Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)
What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

Matthew Mayhem's new years resolution is to get better at hockey. He's somewhat of a slacker and doesn't work very hard, but aims to do at least a little bit better at training this year to help contribute a bit more. As a defender it's his responsibility to put fear into opponents and keep them from scoring, and Mayhem is going to hit the gym and the rink to train and take up boxing in his down time to be a more intimidating presence on the ice. He's also going to become a better passer and work on his awareness to help the team breakout of the defensive zone and create scoring opportunities. Mayhem joined the SHL as a underdog with low expectations but managed to succeed them last season, and is motivated to do better next season, and the only way to do that is to keep his new years resolution and work harder at practice and make his teammates and coaches proud.

(164 words)


5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)
We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

Obviously a small navy of three living war boats with eyes, would defeat a herd of 45 raging bulls in a battle. The battle would be in the ocean and there is no way that 45 raging bulls could swim well enough to defeat a small fleet of living war boats on their home turf. Now if the battle were in an open field instead of water I think the raging bulls would have much better chances, but the war boats could probably still hold their own due to the fact that they could shoot the bulls with rockets and torpedoes. Sure being out numbered 15 to 1 would make it difficult, but I have faith that the war boats would be victorious in the end. While the raging bulls could probably stand on each others backs in the ocean, I would guess that they would have to stack at least a dozen raging bulls tall to even be able to fight, so you're looking at at least 40 dead raging bulls right off the bat.

(176 words)


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE - CW


23. Written, 2 TPE, Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem is when you create a poem using every letter of a given word. For example:


This is my acrostic poem for Burlok. Write me an acrostic poem using your player's name!

(This post was last modified: 01-09-2023, 12:55 AM by Jepox. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

VW: pablo

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

S68 Milestones

23. Written, 2 TPE, Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem is when you create a poem using every letter of a given word. Write me an acrostic poem using your player's name!



13. Graphic, 1 TPE, crAIyon? More like CWaiyon!
In the spirit of the insanely easy ring task that stayed around forever, we can keep running this one! Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini (now known as crAIyon) to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!

[Image: image.png?width=605&height=663]

20. Written, 3 TPE, Championship Creek (150 words min.)
If you were the judge of a creek competition, what would you be looking for? How would you choose the championship creek? Is it based on volume of water moved through the creek? Is pleasantness of sound a factor? The beauty of the creek itself? Biodiversity? How do you weigh each factor in your decision? Tell me how you would define the perfect creek.

To me you would have to determine that the creek is in fact a creek and not say, a stream or a river. A creek is much shallower than both, and is generally the smallest of the three. Once it's determined that the creek being judged is in fact a creek, the first thing to look at is the location. A creek in nature will always rank higher than one running through a city, especially if the city creek is man made or changed in some way. You also want to then judge based off of the sound of the creek. Could you lay down and take a nap while being lulled to sleep by the gentle run of the creek? If so, you're looking at a winner. Accessibility also plays a big factor in the creek competition. You want your creek to be one that can be travelled to, but you also want to it be hard enough to find that it isn't ruined by people littering or destroying the ecosystem. A creek that checks all of these boxes is the clear winner for me. (186 words)

17. Written, 3 TPE, Neutral Turf (150 words min.)
We simply cannot play in a host country any more, it's too big of an advantage for the home team. You're going to have to find the ideal location to host these international tournaments, and it cannot be in any existing country! Where do you take this season's IIHF tournaments to ensure neutral territory? Bonus points for any fun and exciting extra effects this location might have on the game of hockey.  

As we can no longer play in a host country for the IIHF tournaments anymore, the Simulation Hockey League has decided to have a man made structure built in the middle of the Bering Sea for them to host on. The structure resembles what you would get if you mixed a cruise ship and an offshore oil rig, and has two twin rinks built on the deck. One downside of this location is that each team has to either be flown out or boated out to the middle of the Bering Sea. On the plus side, the climate is perfect for ice and the tournaments are like an outdoor game or a heritage classic game. A few cruise lines have made cruises to this location so that fans can come and support their country. If at any point in the game the puck goes out of play and into the ocean and it happens to hit a whale or shark, that is now counted as a goal just because of how rare that would be but how funny it would be to see happen. (184 words)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. Personally I believe that Seattle will be the winners once the dust settles. Manhattan is hungry for revenge and will make this a very tough series for Seattle, but the Seattle core is intact and just too experience and strong to lose. They scored at will throughout the regular season and will continue to do so against the Rage in the finals. (62 words)


[Image: Jepox.gif]

3. My new year's resolution is to score more. Seeing other players with 100 point seasons definitely is something that is frustrating for my player and it is my term. This past finals, the tree's really struggled to score and I take a lot of the blame for that. As a team we should be able to score more and as a player I need to be able to score more as well. Definitely coming short of the cup is not my goal. So my new year's resolution is just to be a better leader on the team by leading by example. While my player currently can not better, I can be more vigilante in my prayers to the sim league god's that my player will do well and be a lot better. I believe that there is some magic in the sim league gods and so they need their offerings to make sure that I succeed as a player. Doing that will help Meowski be a star next season

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

7) +3 TPE - S68 Milestones

[Image: HqPCLbj_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]

PT pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)

What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?
As a send down player still, I am continuing to improve my overall game to make sure I can enter the league with the maximum amount of skills to help the Monarchs. One of the Monarchs weakest areas currently is their defense. They averaged almost 4.5 goals a game this previous season and I consider my shutdown abilities to be my greatest strength. I plan on building upon my already strong defensive zone recognition and checking abilities. I have been able to produce 140 takeaways, 166 blocks and 270 hits in my two years in the SMJHL. I am not the only missing piece for the Monarchs to reach the Finals however. I want to begin working with my teammates to build chemistry as we will be a young team moving forward. I would also like to take a leadership role on the team so working with the veterans to see how our youth push can drive us to the next level.

23. Written, 2 TPE, Acrostic Poem
Minaj - Majestic - Inspiring - Nimble - Agile - Jagged

5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)

We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.
If we were to hypothetically consider a scenario in which these two groups were made to engage in a fight, it is likely that the war boats would emerge as the victors. The war boats, as military vessels, are designed for combat and are equipped with a range of weapons and defense systems. In contrast, the bulls, while physically strong, are not trained for combat and would not have the same level of skill and experience in fighting as the war boats. Additionally, the war boats would have the advantage of mobility, as they are able to move through water, while the bulls are limited to land. The war boats could use this mobility to their advantage, attacking the bulls from various angles and using their weapons to keep the bulls at bay. Overall, it is clear that the war boats would have the upper hand in this hypothetical fight due to their training, experience, and mobility.

20. Written, 3 TPE, Championship Creek (150 words min.)

If you were the judge of a creek competition, what would you be looking for? How would you choose the championship creek? Is it based on volume of water moved through the creek? Is pleasantness of sound a factor? The beauty of the creek itself? Biodiversity? How do you weigh each factor in your decision? Tell me how you would define the perfect creek.
 As the judge of a creek competition, I would be looking for several different characteristics that would help me determine which creek is the most deserving of the championship title.The volume of water moving through the creek is an important factor to consider, as it can indicate the creek's overall health and the strength of its ecosystem.  The sound of a creek can be a very important aspect of its overall appeal. A creek with a soothing, gentle flow can be very relaxing and enjoyable to be around, while a creek with a loud, rushing sound may be more unsettling or off-putting. The visual appeal of a creek is also an important factor to consider. A creek with clear, clean water and a beautiful surrounding landscape can be very pleasing to the eye and provide peace and tranquility. The diversity of plant and animal life in a creek can be a good indicator of its overall health and vitality. A creek with a rich and varied ecosystem is likely to be more robust and able to withstand changes or challenges.  When choosing a championship creek, I would weigh each of these factors carefully, considering how they all contribute to its overall quality and character. Ultimately, I would define the perfect creek as one that is healthy, vibrant, and able to support a diverse range of plant and animal life while also being visually appealing and providing a pleasant and calming atmosphere for those who come to enjoy it.

[Image: MMCPaEg.png]

[Image: kcP9WEd.png] [Image: DNLeeu0.png][Image: eP8F2Ne.png]

(This post was last modified: 01-06-2023, 12:55 PM by Kyamprac. Edited 2 times in total.)

3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)
What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

As with every season before, Sarah Burke just hopes not to screw anything up too bad this New Year. She's not like the most astounding player out there but she's always worked hard to help her team out. She's getting up in age but she still shows up to practice and works on her game everyday. If I'm being honest I haven't been paying enough attention to the league of late to tell you whether the LA Panthers have any chance of making the final again with her on the roster, but the optimistic homer in me says yes always - they'll make it because I say so and they're awesome and totally infallible and likely to win every game they play this year. And if not, well that's okay too. Burke is happy to play out the rest of her career with the amazing team that LAP is, on and off the ice.

(153 words)

5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)
We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

Regardless of the battlefield I think I have to give it to the boats for this one, although I suppose it kind of depends on what kind of boats they are. If they're like steel warships the bulls really don't stand a chance. If they're in water.. I think we all know how that would go. The bulls are likely to just kind of drown themselves trying. If the boats are in a dry dock the bulls would still probably lose by beating the crap out of themselves trying to do any damage to those hulls. They might dent them or create some minor inconvenience for the boats, but unless they can find some way to board the ship and maybe knock around the few non-metal pieces they're kind of screwed. If the ships are wooden it might be another story, but I assume this PT is inspired by the Armada and those boats definitely aren't more vulnerable hunks of wood.

(161 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE, Too Many Choices (150 words min.)
Next season is Season 69, and that's great and all, but we can't decide on a slogan. You see, 69 is the funny number, and therefore there are so many wacky, silly, goofy, little slogans that we can choose from. Which one is the best? We need your help! Give us a couple of choices for a Season 69 slogan, and a short explanation of why they're so funny and fitting for next season!

Season 69 can literally only be described in one word, and any other silly, goofy, wacky slogan someone comes up with that includes more words than that is wrong. The number 69 can only appropriately be recognized with the word "Nice" and so the slogan should just simply be "Nice". If you want to get really fancy you could create a fancy logo or commemorative patch to go with it, although I suspect whatever we come up with to support that idea would probably be deemed inappropriate but the league or something. I guess you could just spruce up the 69 or the word nice with some fancy text and colours, but simple at the end of the day really is better. Replacing "Nice" with something more long-winded would be as pointless as explaining or giving a longer slogan to "e" and I think most people in this league would probably agree. Or not, but it gave me the required number of words so who cares.

(166 words)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 per sheet

20. Written, 3 TPE, Championship Creek (150 words min.)
If you were the judge of a creek competition, what would you be looking for? How would you choose the championship creek? Is it based on volume of water moved through the creek? Is pleasantness of sound a factor? The beauty of the creek itself? Biodiversity? How do you weigh each factor in your decision? Tell me how you would define the perfect creek.

There are so many different aspects you could look at judging a creek competition. I think to be fair you can't judge a creek by it's size/water volume - there are many types of creeks big and small that are just as pretty as the other. No, I think judging a creek competition I'd look at things like the environment and just general pleasantness of the area. Standing next to the creek should make you feel contented and peaceful and generally make you feel better about life. Having some foliage, maybe some little waterfalls or babbling water over rocks, a bit of wildlife stopping by to take a drink are all things I'd be looking for. A bit of sun shining through the canopy above wouldn't hurt although I suppose that's a bit tough to judge given weather changes, but just anything that has a feel good vibe to it should count. If the creek flows through some guy's septic tank amid broken down buildings/structures instead then there's a huge problem lol.

(173 words)

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2023, 03:22 PM by thiefofcheese. Edited 1 time in total.)


1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification: cheese

+3 TPE

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Manhattan comes into this series with a much more balanced attack than their previous playoff run carried by a scorching hot Lev Lebedev. This time around they have nearly seven players chugging along at a PPG clip. Is this a different beast than last season's Rage? Why or why not?

b. Seattle returns to the finals with a roster that's very similar to last season's champions. So why would they lose this time around? This squad has proven they can do it, so what's changed? Do you think this team can do it again?

c. The play of Max Manning for Seattle and Thomas Lind for Manhattan has been a key factor in their respective teams' playoff runs. Do you think they're both able to continue performing at the spectacular pace they have thus far, or do you think someone is able to figure out how to shut them down? Is that the key to this series?

d. With all that being said it's round two of SEA vs. MAN. Who wins this time? Regardless of any other stat in this series-- who do you think wins it and why? Last season Manhattan was the upstart without any experience, but here they are again to face the same behemoth Seattle team. Make your pick.

3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)
What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)
Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly. 

5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)
We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

6. Written, 3 TPE, Too Many Choices (150 words min.)
Next season is Season 69, and that's great and all, but we can't decide on a slogan. You see, 69 is the funny number, and therefore there are so many wacky, silly, goofy, little slogans that we can choose from. Which one is the best? We need your help! Give us a couple of choices for a Season 69 slogan, and a short explanation of why they're so funny and fitting for next season!

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE Milestone

Graphics and Podcasts

8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Locker Layout
How does your player keep their dressing room stall organized? What's in it? Create a graphic of what your players stall looks like. Include some things that are meaningful to your team or player.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Stuck
Your team bus from the airport to the arena is trapped in a big snow storm and delayed a few hours. Show me a scene from inside of that bus. What are you and your teammates doing to keep busy and have some fun? Or are you all just getting angry with each other and starting fist fights?

10. Graphic, 3 TPE, Paparazzi 
Your player got a little too wild during 2023 New Year celebrations. Create a graphic of a paparazzi photo catching your player or your team enjoying themselves a little too much. 

11. Graphic, 3 TPE, Bake Off
You and a few of your SHL colleagues have been chosen as contestants for a celebrity episode of The Great British Baking Show. Show me a graphic of your player presenting their show stopping final bake to the judges. 

12. Graphic, 3 TPE, Dead of Winter 
The snow zombies have risen and we've got to do what we can to survive. Show me the intricate snow fort that your player builds to defend themselves against an oncoming horde of brain hungry snow monsters! 

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, crAIyon? More like CWaiyon!
In the spirit of the insanely easy ring task that stayed around forever, we can keep running this one! Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini (now known as crAIyon) to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!

14. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
-The S68 Challenge Cup series
-The S68 Four Star Cup series
-An S68 IIHF preview
-A Breakdown of how your favorite hockey team’s season is going

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 8 minutes or 4 TPE for 10 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 10 Minutes or 4 TPE for 15 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.


15. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Analysis (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! Are they up and coming? Win now mode? Entering into a re-build phase? What are your expectations for your player? What teams are you watching out for this time around?

16. Written, 3 TPE, A Country Built on Hockey (150 words min.)
If you could peacefully create a U.N. style alliance of countries for the sole purpose of creating the best possible international hockey team, which countries would be in it and why? Tell me about your super team. What would you name it? This can be SHL related or real life! Have fun!

17. Written, 3 TPE, Neutral Turf (150 words min.)
We simply cannot play in a host country any more, it's too big of an advantage for the home team. You're going to have to find the ideal location to host these international tournaments, and it cannot be in any existing country! Where do you take this season's IIHF tournaments to ensure neutral territory? Bonus points for any fun and exciting extra effects this location might have on the game of hockey.  


18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s results? How do you feel about a repeat finals series?

19. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Congratulations, graphic loving procrastinator! Much like the written word loving procrastinator, you too have a special task just for you! Create a post-series splash screen detailing the outcome of the series, or highlighting the player that you think should be playoff MVP. Include at least 3 stats no matter which way you go with it!

Beyond Prompts

20. Written, 3 TPE, Championship Creek (150 words min.)
If you were the judge of a creek competition, what would you be looking for? How would you choose the championship creek? Is it based on volume of water moved through the creek? Is pleasantness of sound a factor? The beauty of the creek itself? Biodiversity? How do you weigh each factor in your decision? Tell me how you would define the perfect creek.

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animated Movie (150 words min.)
Your team's marketing department just got an enormous budget to make an animated feature film about your team's mascot. Write me a short overview of movie. What does it look like? What happens? Who voices the characters? As a graphic option, show me a still frame from that movie!

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Rigged (150 words min.)
You've been given the opportunity to change the simulated hockey league into something completely different, however your teams / teammates will not change. Choose a new competition that is completely rigged for your team to win, based on the unique skills and personalities on your team. What season long competition are you 100% confident that you and your teammates could win? As a graphic option, show me this new competition, whatever it may be, being dominated by you and a few of your teammates. 

23. Written, 2 TPE, Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem is when you create a poem using every letter of a given word. For example:


This is my acrostic poem for Burlok. Write me an acrostic poem using your player's name!

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King

(This post was last modified: 01-06-2023, 04:17 PM by natedoeshockey. Edited 13 times in total.)

1.CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)

What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

Patya am having big goals for S69. First, Patya want become most dominant player in SHL. Maybe this happen, maybe not, but Patya am try hardest for making reality. Patya also want for win cup! Again, Patya am trying hardest for this as can but maybe is not happen. Patya hitting many peoples last season but not scoring as much, so Patya work hard for keep scoring and keep hitting because Patya am be big and strong and fast and skill. Patya also want for develop more chemistry with teammates for have more success! Patya knowing this key for doing well in the ice hockeys. Also, Patya am wanting for keep being good person. This much important for Patya because Patya want for put more love out into the world at all times. Patya want for have glowing aura. Also, Patya last goal is for just being the best Patya can be! Patya knowing that can always be better so Patya am work hard for this!

+3 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)

Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly. 

Hm, this tough question for Patya. Patya not really having much rivals, you see. Patya am try for be friendly to all! So, for this, Patya just want for play against former teammates from Carolina Kraken. Patya not caring which teammates am playing against, just want for have fun playing against them in finals! This could be many teams like Manhattan or New England as examples for Patya to show. Patya not sure what this would mean to team but maybe is mean something to best friend Atticus since he is also from Carolina Kraken. This way, Patya and Atticus am having bragging rights for funs! WOWIE! Imagine for have bragging rights over Roderic Banes! IS FUNNY! Maybe funny too if Roderic Banes am having bragging rights over us! Patya just love so much former teammates! Oh, Patya have one more. Patya like beat Hamilton because Patya am hearing not many peoples liking them much, so this make people love Patya more and this good for Patya.

+3 TPE

5. Written, 3 TPE, Boat Versus Bull (150 words min)

We aren't talking about some fake hockey league-- I'm asking for real. Who would win in a fight? A small navy of three living war boats with eyes, or a herd of 45 raging bulls (15 per boat). Battlefield is your choice. Create whatever scenario you like to back up your choice of winner. Tell me how it goes and why it goes that way.

Why asking Patya many tough question this season? Anyway, Patya am thinking that for this, winner is being small navy of three living war boats with eyes. Patya like bulls and everything, but Patya need for knowing, have ever you seen war boat? IS BIG AND HAVING MANY WEAPONS! Patya trying for think of scenario in which bulls am winning but war boats am pretty tough opponent! Maybe if Patya think like underdog, Patya can think of scenario...hmmm...OH! Patya know! What if bulls am use horns together as one for quick blinding of war boats? Then maybe war boats cannot have aim for beating bulls! Then bulls use horns for many sticking of warboats! But this still hard because need for penetrate much steel armor of war boats! Patya thinking this scenario unlikely so war boats am still win. But maybe war boats am also only able for hit things many fars away and not hit close things like bulls? Patya have no idea. Patya stick with original thought that war boats am winning.

+3 TPE

6. Written, 3 TPE, Too Many Choices (150 words min.)

Next season is Season 69, and that's great and all, but we can't decide
on a slogan. You see, 69 is the funny number, and therefore there are so
many wacky, silly, goofy, little slogans that we can choose from. Which
one is the best? We need your help! Give us a couple of choices for
a Season 69 slogan, and a short explanation of why they're so funny and
fitting for next season!

Patya am not much familiar with why number of 69 is much funnies, can someone please explain to Patya? Anyway, Patya am try best for come up with slogans for season of funny number. Patya am thinking maybe "Season 69: The Season of Cancer" because 69 is looking like Cancer symbol but sideways. Patya thinki -- oh wait, Patya change mind. Patya realizing maybe this not funny. Patya not first seeing Cancer joke but now Patya am see. Okay, Patya trying again. Patya new slogan is "Season 69: The Season of the Crab" because Cancer am crab. Maybe this confusing though because crabs am not playing the ice hockeys. What if people am tune ins for see crabs and instead seeing Patya and then complains? This not good either. Hold on...Patya am just get informed of what reason for 69 is funny. Patya have newest and bestest slogan now! Am you ready? Okay, here is newest slogan for funny number season. "Season 69: Nice."

+3 TPE

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones Claim

+3 TPE

TOTAL: 18/16 TPE

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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1. Trivia - 3 TPE

7. Milestones - 2 TPE
Milestones Link

20. Championship Creek - 3 TPE
Now, look, to judge the best creek you need to consider a whole multitude of factors and appearances. A good, quality creek should be many things, but above all give you a sense of peace and wonder. If a creek is missing those factors, it is a substandard creek and not worth staring at and examining. But what other factors would determine a championship creek? First is water flow. The water has to be moving, and fairly quickly. The creek should be producing a sound from that rush of water. A creek with no or little water movement is really just a pond and that is not what we are looking for. Second, the creek should have some height and changes in elevation. It doesn't have to be a waterfall, but there should be some ledges and vertical movement. Next is the clarity of the water - it should be crystal clear and you should be able to clearly see the bottom. Have all those things, and you've got a championship creek.

21. Animated Movie - 3 TPE 
It is all about animation and movement these days, particularly when it comes to advertising. While we didn't get enough budget to make Avatar 3: The Way of New Orleans, we can settle for an animated movie featuring our mascot, Spencer the Specter. As you can imagine, Spencer is a somewhat spooky looking fellow, with a long black cloak tinged in purple. Already you can see that we have our work cut out for us. So what I'm thinking is that we do a sort of Casper situation. You know, he's initially scary, but then befriends our main, human characters, and goes on to solve a crime or some other sort of injustice. Maybe there's a treasure buried in center ice or something. Of course we have some child sidekicks that provide a bit of grounding for the movie. Our other option is maybe some sort of Space Jam thing where Spencer helps the real life players who get their skills stolen by other, evil ghosts.

22. Rigged - 3 TPE 
Hockey is out, no one watches it outside of Canadians and Canadiens so its time to shake things up and do something completely different. But since I love our team and my teammates, I'd like to keep them around and make sure we can still be a team and get paid accordingly. But since we are able to choose the new activity and rig it in our favor, the new activity is sauna endurance. Think about it. We are a bunch of folks from generally warmer climates and now play hockey in one of the hottest, most humid areas of the United States. We are already used to being in a pressure cooker, sweating it out day to day. Other teams are simply not prepared, or properly hydrated enough, to compete. The game is simple. Each team is put in a different sauna with no view into the opponent's sauna. You then have to have at least 10 people in your sauna in order to win. Once you drop to 9, you're out and lose.

23. Acrostic Poem - 2 TPE

16/16 TPE

[Image: v71TGsT.gif]

Task #3 - 3 TPE

For S69, Buck wants to improve on his overall game but more importantly improve upon his defensive capabilities. In S68, Buck had more giveaways than takeaways and that’s not right, something needs to change. Buck has decided to get back to the grindstone and work harder this season than he did last season to prove he is still an important part to this team and can still improve his game much more. The Blizzard have made it to the first round of the playoffs this past season, but with Buck working harder than ever, and a team full of young talent they hope to make it to the Finals next season and prove all the hard work, and dedication has paid off. Even making it to the second round would be a great accomplishment for the Blizzard as people keep doubting them and their capabilities. Buck also looks to improve and continue his contributions offensively in S69 as well.

Task #5 - 3 TPE

This is a tough scenario. For the environment you’d want it to be like a sand beach with some rocks and maybe a forest. The rocks and forest would be able to provide cover for the raging bulls as they charge the 3 boats. Now the boats have guns and cannons which is a huge advantage, but would need to be in shallow enough water to give the bulls a fighting chance. I would probably give it to the guns due to the fact that they have guns and bulls do not. I don’t even know if bull horns can pierce through the metal that is used to create the hull of a ship. The bulls could pull off an upset though by running circles around the boats, making them dizzy until they pass out or accidentally shoot each other, that’d be pretty funny. Regardless I still give the victory to the boats because guns and cannons.

Task #6 - 3 TPE

My first thought for a slogan for S69 is “Nice”. It’s short, it’s sweet, it’s plain, it’s simple. What else could you ask for from a slogan? If that’s not quite what the slogan team is looking for here is another option that could work: “S69 The Greatest Season of All-Time”. Think about it. There will never be another S69 Champion. There will only ever be one draft class of S69. The amount of hype for this season is through the roof pointing to it being one of the greatest seasons, ever, of all time. Which is why this slogan could and would work for the season. I’m sure there are plenty of other options out there, but these were the only two my brain could think of at the time and so that’s what you’re getting slogan committee. This is a once in a life-time season, let’s make the most of it and have some fun.

Task #7 - Milestones - 2 TPE

Task # 20 - 3 TPE

I think one of the most important things about a creek when judging it is it’s depth. Does it go ankle deep, does it go knee deep, how deep does it go? I think ankle deep or just above the ankles is the ideal depth and would be one of the key factors in deciding a championship creek. I think another important factor to consider is the biodiversity of said creek. Is it in a forest, are there apartments nearby, are there rocks you can hop on to get across the creek. The more rocks, forestry, the better. If there are apartments nearby the likely hood of garbage and stuff ending up in the creek will bring the quality down and hurt it’s chances in the running for championship. Sound is a key factor in this contest. The more nature you can hear the better. These noises include birds chirping, the water running, leaves rustling as they blow in the wind. Take all of these into consideration and you got yourself a championship worthy creek.

Task #23 - 2 TPE


Total TPE: 16 TPE

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[Image: mcalister.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2023, 10:39 AM by Vulfzilla. Edited 5 times in total.)

1. noodle
7. milestones /// +3
C arefully
U tilizes the
P uck
13. [Image: craiyon_091025_Cup_Noodle_Championship_R...height=498] (1 tpe)

3. This year I've decided to make a New Year's resolution. Even though this last season was my greatest statistical season that I've had, I realized that there is still room for improvement. If the New England Wolfpack want to make it to the championship I'm going to need to step up as a top line defenseman. I think what I need to work on this summer is a little bit of everything. Well I've grown in shot blocking one area that I could definitely improve is being physical with the hits and even the fights if necessary. I need to be the one to step up and send a message to the other team that we're not going to lie down anymore. The days of the New England Wolfpack being a easy victory are over. I came into this league as an offensive defenseman but I now value both sides. That's not to say that both sides of the puck aren't important, but this is just the area I think I'll spend most of my time on this off season. (3tpe)

PBE Affiliate /// 3tpe

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[Image: zFnlslP.png]

(This post was last modified: 01-08-2023, 06:13 PM by boom. Edited 4 times in total.)

1: CW trivia: pastrami

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, New Year New Me (150 words min.)

What is your player's New Years resolution? What aspect of their game do they want to work on in S69 to help them reach the finals next season? If they did make the finals this season, is it because of something they resolved to work on last season? If so, then what's next?

Sophie Bordeleau's main New Year's resolution is to work on her skating and strength. Last season, her playmaking game was very strong, but she only managed to get 12 goals throughout the season and wanted to get better at creating plays for herself. She did help Leon Athanasios get to a 40-goal season with crisp passes, and her defensive game was pretty solid on a subpar Pride team, but Sophie did find it a little more difficult to adjust to the speed of the SHL. Working on her skating will help Sophie better utilize that shiftiness that led her to become one of the best players ever to play in the SMJHL, and as an undersized centre it's always important to get stronger and be able to win those puck battles against bigger players. This really strikes in the offensive zone. Her game with the Quebec City Citadelles was predicated on using her speed and vision to be able to get to open spots and use her deceptively quick release to beat goalies, and working on applying that to the SHL will let her reach her potential.

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)

Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.

Sophie's dream playoff opponent would be the Winnipeg Aurora. A big reason for this is that one of the players that she followed during her journey to the big leagues was Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson, a similarly undersized player who used his skill to become a great piece on their team. Sophie would love to be able to face off against and beat an opponent that she compared herself to growing up, really proving her place in the league. The Aurora themselves are also one of the best teams in the SHL with so many deep pieces, and for the young San Francisco side to take down a top side would give so much momentum to the team and show why the Pride are the best place to play in the league. In the games against Winnipeg, Sophie already gets excited to be able to play on the same stage as so many talented players, but for the two sides to meet in a hard-fought playoff series would just be a dream for her.

7: Milestones +2 TPE

Quote:16. Written, 3 TPE, A Country Built on Hockey (150 words min.)

If you could peacefully create a U.N. style alliance of countries for the sole purpose of creating the best possible international hockey team, which countries would be in it and why? Tell me about your super team. What would you name it? This can be SHL related or real life! Have fun!

Going with real life because I don't know what countries SHL peeps play for, but it would have to be the union of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway (sorry Iceland, should have had good players) for me, naming it Team Nordic. Building from the goalie out, this team is just stacked with Juuse Saros and Jacob Markstrom, and on defense it just gets better with Karlsson, Hedman, and Miro Heiskanen anchoring the fort for a good defense of all ages. Up front, though, it's the kids taking over the show with Elias Pettersson, Mikko Rantanen, Patrik Laine, Nik Ehlers, Sebastian Aho, William Nylander, and Kaapo Kahko among others. Veterans aren't left behind either with older guys like Mats Zuccarello, Mika Zibanejad, and Gabriel Landeskog holding the fort. Overall, I think it's just such a young and fast team that there's really no way to consistently defend against it with enough depth to stop them breaking through and scoring all the goals they want.

Quote:23. Written, 2 TPE, Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem is when you create a poem using every letter of a given word. For example:


This is my acrostic poem for Burlok. Write me an acrostic poem using your player's name!


TPE: 14.5 + trivia/16

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(This post was last modified: 01-07-2023, 10:12 AM by StaticShocked. Edited 3 times in total.)

Task #1
Verification word: hehe

Task #2 (67 words)
Prompt A: This season's Rage squad is much different than last year. The Rage have finally found a stable #1 goaltender in Adam Rage, along with multiple players finally breaking out and scoring at such an impressive pace. None of these scorers, however, come even close to the insane scoring pace that Lev Lebedev was on. Nearly a goal per game and more than 110 points overall? Absolutely insane.

Task #3 (167 words)
For their New Year's resolution, Pyotr Gallen hopes to get more consistent with their game preparation. Over their past two years in juniors, they've been on and off with training and generally keeping a consistent schedule.

"I know that I haven't been the best at hitting the gym and refining my game," Gallen said to interviewers at the conclusion of Vancouver's season. "I just got complacent in my skills and it feels like I've never really hit my true ceiling."

Gallen graduates from the SMJHL to the SHL at the start of season 69 and will begin their rookie campaign with Hamilton.

"The SHL is a completely different league than the SMJHL, and I understand that only the most determined and dedicated will survive up there. I understand what being called up means, and I hope to make my future teammates and team proud with the work that I will put in. No more laziness, no more excuses, no more bullshit. I want to make an impact."

Task #4 (187 words)
Rivalries don't have to be fierce and fueled by hatred. Sometimes, they can just be competitive while keeping things clean. When Pyotr Gallen makes their debut with the Hamilton Steelhawks in the next SHL season, they can't wait to play Seattle.

Why is that? Benson Fioretini.

"I've always wanted to go up against Benny. It was incredibly fortunate for us that we got drafted to the same juniors team, and for that I am truly grateful. But once Benny was called up by Seattle, I almost felt a new fire light within myself. I couldn't wait to play them once I got called up, and you best believe I'm circling the date on the calendar when Hamilton and Seattle finally play," Gallen said in an end-of-season interview. "Nothing is better than facing your closest friend and seeing which one of you is the real difference maker for your team."

Gallen and Fioretini, cousins and drafted together in the SMJHL draft, have always enjoyed competing against one another. Whether it be on the ice or off the ice, the two consider themselves the perfect motivators for the other.

Task #16 (241 words)
When looking at this year's (real life) IIHF world juniors, I was incredibly impressed with how much of a fight Slovakia and Czechia put up against the usual powerhouses. Czechia immediately came out of the gate and beat Canada 5-2 before handily defeating Austria and Germany, with their only "loss" being a 3-2 overtime loss against Sweden. Slovakia didn't have the same luck going through their group, opening with a 5-2 loss to Finland. However, they immediately bounced back and beat their next two opponents in the United States and Latvia before finishing off their group stage with a 4-3 shootout loss to the Swiss. Of course, Slovakia lost to Canada in the quarterfinal stage off of an otherworldly effort by Connor Bedard, but Czechia captured that lightning in a bottle and made an impressive run all the way to the gold medal game before also losing in overtime to Canada. I think the best thing about these two teams is just how little top-tier NHL prospect talent they truly had. The teams had players like David Jiricek (CBJ, 6th overall, 2022), Simon Nemec (NJD, 2nd overall, 2022) and Filip Mesar (MTL, 26th overall, 2022), but outside of those three there was very little game-changing talent. The goaltending for both teams truly excelled in a tournament that really opens eyes of scouts, and I firmly believe Czechia's goaltender Tomas Suchanek's performance will earn him a few looks from multiple NHL teams.

Task #17 (185 words)
If the IIHF board truly wants to eliminate the advantage of playing in front of home country fans, then they should consider holding tournaments in countries where the ice hockey interest is slowly starting to grow. For example,
- Mexico: Ice maintenance might be a little tricky with the warmer temperatures, but holding a tournament in Mexico could be a fantastic way to grow the game into an unfamiliar and untapped market.
- South Korea: Another prime market to introduce to the game of hockey, South Korea could be a good place to introduce the game to try and fill an entire calendar year with sports and pair along with Korea's love of baseball.
- Iceland: Holding a tournament in Iceland could be beneficial purely for the beautiful views that the country provides. The IIHF could also try and hold a game outdoors in the middle of the mountain ranges to try and captivate the people watching.

Expansion to different countries to try and expand the tournament's popularity could work wonders for the IIHF, and I hope we will see a future tournament in one of these locations.

Task #18 (152 words)
Seattle has won the Challenge Cup! I have terrible time management skills. What's new? One thing that really stood out to me over the course of the season is just how quiet Manhattan's season was. Manhattan's roster was mostly kept intact from their previous season's run to the finals, but with a new goaltender in Adam Rage replacing the departing Name Redacted. Leading scorer Lev Lebedev set the league on fire with 58 regular season goals, and Adam Rage posted solid stats in his first full season as a starter. Their path to the finals was certainly not easy either, having to run through as high as a 3rd seed in their conference before meeting the Argonauts. The Rage's run this year is a carbon copy of last year's run, but unfortunately they came up short again. Hopefully, the third time's the charm next year and they finally reach their ultimate goal.

Total TPE: 16/16

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3

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