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S71 Championship Week!

0. Affiliate - 3 TPE 
ISFL Affiliate PT

1. Trivia - 3 TPE

5. Blood on the Ice - 3 TPE 
Imagine this, if you can: a cosmic, spectral bear that embodies the very heart of the frozen north on one side. On the other side, a heard of powerful, empowered, bison. Now that is an important distinction that we should be clear on right here on the start. The titular stampede in the Buffalo Stampede is not a stampede of buffalo, if their log is to be believed. It is actually a stampede of bison, the herd animal that dominated much of the plains areas in North America. This is an important distinction because bison are larger than buffalo, by some 200 pounds at least. A stampede of bison is a tremendous force, and that is what gives them the edge over an aurora. The aurora is the spirit of nature, of the earth and sky. But a herd of stampeding bison destroys just about everything it comes in contact with, especially the earth it tramples under their hooves. As the earth is destroyed, the connection with the aurora is lost, and that's that.

8/8 TPE

[Image: v71TGsT.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2023, 02:03 PM by gurbs. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. word +3

4. +3 (197 words)
Buffalo's offensive numbers may not be as high as Aurora's, but they have been successful nonetheless. Konstantin Selich's 19 points in 16 playoff games are indeed impressive and demonstrate his ability to contribute offensively. However, the standout performer for Buffalo has been their goaltender, Casey Fantobens, with a remarkable save percentage of 0.929 throughout the playoffs.

In a matchup between an incredible offense and a solid playoff defense, Buffalo certainly has a chance to bring home the trophy and defeat Aurora. While offensive firepower is crucial, a strong defense and exceptional goaltending can often make the difference in tight playoff games. Fantobens' impressive save percentage indicates his ability to shut down opposing teams and give Buffalo a chance to win every game.

It's important to note that hockey is a team sport, and success depends on the collective effort of the entire roster. Buffalo will need contributions from their entire team, including their defensemen and forwards, to counter Aurora's offense effectively. If they can execute their defensive game plan, capitalize on scoring opportunities, and continue to rely on Fantobens' stellar performance, Buffalo has a legitimate chance to win the championship and send Aurora back to Winnipeg empty-handed.

5. +3 (212 words)
The stage is set in an enchanted arena nestled within a mystical forest. The arena's floor is covered in shimmering ice, representing the frozen northern territories, while the air crackles with the energy of swirling cosmic winds.
As the match begins, the god-bear, with its immense size and celestial aura, utilizes its control over cosmic wind to create gusts that sweep across the arena. The buffalo, known for their strength and resilience, form a tightly knit herd, relying on their collective power and coordination to navigate the chaotic winds.
The buffalo charge forward, their hooves pounding against the icy surface. The god-bear, being a divine entity, effortlessly glides above the ground, evading the stampeding herd with agility. As the buffalo attempt to overpower their opponent with their sheer force, the god-bear retaliates by summoning celestial storms, casting lightning bolts that strike the ground with precision.
Despite the buffalo's determination, their brute strength alone is not enough to conquer the god-bear's ethereal powers. Sensing the impending danger, the god-bear conjures an immense cyclone, drawing upon the cosmic winds to create a tempest that engulfs the arena. The buffalo, now faced with a torrential whirlwind, struggle to maintain their footing, their charge disrupted and their ranks scattered.
In the end, the god-bear emerges victorious. Its mastery over cosmic wind and divine abilities prove to be too formidable for the buffalo to overcome. The mystical powers of the god-bear, combined with its strategic manipulation of the elements, give it the upper hand in this extraordinary battle.


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Ver Word: Ray 

If you are the GM of the Aurora, something big has to change, the team has probably 1 season of competing left, and when the sim engine screws you over as hard as it has, a big move needs to be made, maybe swapping 2 high TPE players, or selling some older players that are regressing for a retool on the fly to take a swing or 2, but the Aurora cannot keep running the same team they have been [80 words]
Buffalo has absolutely shown that they are the real deal, and coming off a rebuild so strong is evidence that this buffalo team has a strong future. with the sim engine being FHM, the Stampede should realize that when the engine likes your team, you need to do your best to keep the team together, and Buffalo could be on the verge of a dynasty [65]

There are a lot of things to consider in a battle like this, first of all, if the aurora polar bear is not corporeal then we have an automatic stalemate due to neither having the means to physically harm the other, however the buffalo would eventually starve to death, while the polar bear would not starve because incorporeal beings have no need for basic needs, meaning the aurora polar bear would win by default. However running under the assumption that the polar bear is a physical being similar to an actual polar bear, the polar bear would be outnumbered, and while buffalo would overpower a polar bear in regular circumstances, this is assumed to be a being on a higher plane of some sort, which means that it has an inbuilt balance system, but the assumption is that most of its godly powers would relate to cold weather, which buffalo have an inbuilt resistance to in their fur. Overall, depending on the amount of buffalo in the stampede, The godly polar bear would most likely win, but if there were 100 or more buffalo, I find it hard to see the polar bear winning, in the style of the 1 of every pokemon vs a billion lions conflict, like 100 buffalo is a lot of buffalo [216 words]

1. 3TPE
2a. 1 TPE
2b. 1 TPE
5. 3 TPE

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Trivia: ATL
Well, the Buffalo Stampede have won the Challenge Cup! They defeated the valiant Winnipeg Aurora by a series total of 4-1. My personal favorite part of the series was the Grit that the stampede showed in the 2-1 OT win in game 2, from which they never looked back and won the remaining games of the series. Steve Harrington started the game quickly, scoring nearly instantly from the start of the period, before Winnipeg struck back and evened the score in the second period. Nikolai Skovgaard won the game five and a half minutes into OT, but not before many, many shots were blocked by Rebecca Montagane.
(107 Words)

Winnipeg just needs to keep the vibes good and keep pounding. Any championship is going to be decided by the finest of margins, matchups will always play a huge role, and all it takes is a hot goalie to end a series. If they keep up the effort, eventually a title will find them.
(54 Words)
This feels like the San Jose Sabercats of the mid S20s in the ISFL. More luck than skill, but it's better to be lucky than good. That's not to take away from the rebuild effort, as it was well executed, but this much success so soon after the rebuild hopefully will not go to their heads
(52 Words)
This is easy to say with the power of hindsight, but Buffalo's playoff run impressed me more. Demolishing two of the strongest teams in the league in back to back series leading up to the finals, and then of course winning the finals. This run would be impressive for a heavy favorite, much less a wild card team.
(58 words)

[Image: 4x2jj4a.gif]
S58 Elias Armia Award Winner


1) Verification Word: quack

2a) Winnipeg will never win a cup. They can go to as many Challenge Cup's as they want, but due to the existence of karma, they will never pull it off. They will be stuck in an infinite loop of losing in the Finals. I would feel bad for them, but that would require me to actually care. So to answer the question of what do the Aurora have to do to win, the answer is simple: nothing. There is nothing they can do.

2b) The Stampede haven't really convinced me of much, but they aren't Winnipeg so they have that going for them, which is nice. Due to the fact they're playing perennial losers and karma stricken Aurora I am sold on Buffalo winning the Challenge Cup Final. Sure they won some impressive series against very good opponents, but that really doesn't stand up to teh fact that they get to play Winnipeg.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]


verification: gooneyboy

11. Written, 3 TPE, Civil War (150 words min.)
tommy westbrook but this time i upd takes the iihf tournament very seriously because who would not? it is such a big tournament that takes place every season why wouldnt you want to go out there on that ice and put on the best possible game you can for your team so that you can go out there and win that trophy for your nation. it is an extremely exciting time. sometimes you go up against your teammates from the shl and that gets tommy westbrook but this time i upd very excited because his team sucks so now its legal for him to go and hit them and say bad things and what not. espcially to that one teammate aleksandr imsinov. he is so bad so finally tommy westbrook but this time i upd can let out some of that pent up anger and go hit him and fight him. but at the end of the day its all fun

12. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

well welll well another shl season into the history books and boy was it an exciting one. and the finals was fantastic! who could ask for anything more than a good season and then an even better finals. i love being a part of this community. my favourite part of the series was when the winnipeg aurora choked another finals. i thought it was very funny and silly. i had a good laugh lol. the buffalo stampede won because i think they had a larger dog mentalitly and wanted it more. winnipeg has a good future though they just have to keep grinding.


[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]

1.     juiceisloose (3TPE)

2.  (4TPE)     a. No way Jose.  The stampede are primed and geared to win.  What they lack in offense they more than make up for in defense.  All they need is a clutch moment from a veteran player to send them over the edge.   I think T Murph will be able to provide that clutch moment for them. 

b. Hell yeah.  The stampede are a freight train from hell, and they’re headed straight up the ass of the competition.  The offseason acquisitions have been exactly what they need in order to win, and I believe they will have great success these playoffs.  With such a hot goalie, they are destined to win.

c. Buffalo has iced the greatest roster of all time in order to get to the finals.  There are no ways around it, they are geared to win for the coming seasons with youngsters, as well as presenting great leadership with their veteran group.  This combination is lethal especially in the playoffs. 

d.  Buffalo wins all day.  Buffalo in 6, even.  This is such an easy matchup to predict its unreal.  Winnepeg has choked time and time again, and it may even be because they passed on Ty Murphy himself in the S60 draft.  What a mistake lol.  Look at Murphy now, 2 cup appearances and 2 rings.  Poetic Justice. 

12.  (2TPE)  What did I say!! What did I say!!  Buffalo in 6 baby!! WHOO!!!!.  Best part of the series?  EZ.  Ty Murphy with the clutch goal, 22 seconds remaining.  What a player, this absolutely seals his place in the hall of Very Good.  2 cups, 2 rings, 2 game winning goals, what more could the people want??  Individual awards?  Those are a bunch of bullshit lol.  Now all Ireland has to do is win the goal and boom, welcome to the triple gold club mr murph.  I cant believe we did it, yeeeoooooo.  What a time to be alive.  What a series.  What could Winnipeg have done better?  I honestly don’t know.  I didn’t watch the series.  But I saw that Buffalo won and that is all that matters right.

Total: 9TPE

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[Image: Skree.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification word: hi

+3 (hopefully)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg has put together an impressive streak of Challenge Cup Finals appearances, but has no hardware to show for their dominance in the west so far. What do the Aurora have to do differently to get over the hump this year?
b. Buffalo, fresh off a rebuild, crushed their way through the first two rounds of these playoffs after coming in as a wildcard, scoring two consecutive sweeps against two of the best teams in the East. Have the Stampede convinced you? If so, what sold you?
c. Two very different teams took two very different routes to the Cup Final: which of them impressed you more? Why?
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?

a. As someone who has never dabbled in war rooms and the tactics side of things, it is hard for me to say for sure if that is the part they are lacking so I think it could just be some really bad luck. With a roster as talented as them, I think it is just a matter of time for them to breakthrough and win it.
b. Going into this season, I had no idea that the team was going to be as good as we have seen them in the playoffs. That isn't to say that I thought there was no chance or anything but I figured with young teams like New England on the rise combined with a team like Montreal still being as dominate as they are that they were gonna struggle a bit. Gotta give credit to the team though, they did what was needed and have really impressed this playoff run
c. I am for sure biased in my answer but I just have to say the Buffalo Stampede. Almost soley on the fact that we have seen Winnipeg go to the finals so many time already in the past few seasons that it feels a bit like an expectation rather than something impressive to see.


12. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Looks like [TEAM] won the cup! (Sorry, Micool.) What was your favorite part of the series? Who won and why? What could the other team have done differently to have a better chance?

My favorite part of this series was seeing the Buffalo Stampede win! I might not be a rostered member of the team just yet but it was still good to see the team get a cup win. Feels like a century ago since we won that s60 cup and I honestly had no expectations for the team to be cup contenders when the season first started. I think at the end of the day, both teams played pretty comparably in the series that it is hard to really say why one team won over the other and what the other could have done differently.


1. 3 TPE

5. 3 TPE
Alright, let's do this again. On the one side we have, for the third consecutive season if I am not mistaken, the god-bear of cosmic wind. On the other side there is a furious herd of buffalos. Well, we all know how Mufasa died in a tragic way being stomped by a herd of wildbeasts, so a king already has fallen at least once to a herd of furious, wild animals. The insane thing is, that the herd in lion king wasn't even doing it on purpose. They just were freaking out and running blindly, stomping anything in their way. Now imagine they don't go crazy, but they use strategy and use their power in specific, planned ways? Sounds powerful.
But to be honest, we don't even know if a god like bear has a materialized body. So not sure if they can even harm that cosmic wind shaped like a bear. As cosmic wind doesn't really sound like it has a lot of body to harm.

12. 2 TPE
My most not favorite part of the whole finals was, that micool didn't win the cup. He really deserves to win another few cups, so please change that in the next season! I really believe in you.
The finals were in fact won by the Buffalo Stampede. My favorite part probably is, that the Winnipeg Aurora managed to screw another final series against an opponent they are favored against. I would be really curious to see how Atlanta could play them if they once would get over the 2nd round ever again. As this is something that the Aurora and Atlanta have in common, just in different series. Winnipeg always lose their finals, Atlanta always is kicked out in the second round already.

[Image: CcmpTg8.png][Image: sakro_-_withecheck_-_Inferno.png]


CW Trivia +3 TPE 


5. Written, 3 TPE, Blood on the Ice (150 words min)  +3 TPE 

Man, this is an interesting match we have here a God bear of cosmic wind against a furious herd of buffalo hmmmm. A god bear of cosmic wind definitely seems like it would have the upper hand in my eyes I mean it's a literal god and a bear that doesn't sound the easiest to beat. But a furious herd of buffalo could be strong with the right arena and depending on how many of them are there to attack. If all or most of the herd would happen to attack from every angle below, in front, behind, on the sides, from above all sending a huge charge With their horns pointing at the bear that could possibly do some damage. But then again we are talking about a god bear who probably has powers and is very strong. So in the end even though it's a different opponent from the last time I did this I would still have to take the bear without a doubt. Just don't see how I can't

9 TPE earned 
8 is max though so I maxed out

[Image: XJ7ZVHU.png]

Trivia Code: Verify

ISFL Affiliate - Username is FTR

RIP Mac & 701

(This post was last modified: 07-14-2023, 05:07 PM by natedoeshockey. Edited 6 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


+3 TPE

11. Written, 3 TPE, Civil War (150 words min.)

How does your player feel about playing against SHL teammates in the IIHF? Do you ease up on your hits, or do you go harder? Do you grin at each other across the ice, or is this a point of national pride?

Patya am start off by saying this: Patya not know how for not play hard. When Patya am on ice, Patya am always giving it everything he have to give. Patya always giving it 110%. Patya not caring who is on other team when playing championships and for pride of country. This especially true because Patya am playing for Russia and Russia am usually not doing so good in IIHF so Patya must try to push for do as best as possible. Patya not ease up on hits because Patya am spend so much time for learn to be able to play heavy, so people am see Patya and thinking "OH NO! IS BIG STRONG FAST MAN COMING FOR HITS!" Patya might grin at teammate, but is because they know Patya am playing hard and trying to get inside head. Patya never trying for injure anyway obviously, but Patya just playing hockey the way hockey is meant for be played. Always watch out for Patya on the ice!

+3 TPE

12. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Looks like [TEAM] won the cup! (Sorry, Micool.) What was your favorite part of the series? Who won and why? What could the other team have done differently to have a better chance?

WOWIE! Buffalo am winning another cup! It crazy how much this team am winning! Patya saying his favorite part probably just seeing series go for six games. Buffalo am win because am having good players and also am have much coaching experience and winning many cups so am have this experience too! Patya not really sure what Winnipeg am can do for win. Patya kind of feeling bad for Winnipeg. Winnipeg am making finals so much and am having many good teams but just keep losing finals. Patya am sure hoping Winnipeg am figure this out for finally win cup with current team.

+2 TPE


Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2023, 05:45 PM by Fitted2106. Edited 4 times in total.)

3. When a peg's offense can do whatever the f*** I say. Because I am the one that says because dogs bark and sometimes dogs cry but also I could never tell a lie and the lie I won't tell is starting here because I won't tell it because f*** that it's time for everyone to know that when fitted gets back, hes gonna f****** break the penis of the shoe shark that's gonna eat TV's before Winnipeg is gonna play on them because the offense is not going to eat, only the shark eats and fit it in shark without fitted. There is no shark, so without fitted Winnipeg. No eat, but also don't forget to pet your dogs. Spray a noodle your cats and wipe down the table before you eat, you sloth.  One more time for the one time, can you tell if this is twice. The Great Gatsby once said that I'm done writing now, so hell, yeah, brother.

4. Buffalo doesn't stand a chance and their offense will not do anything to calm and dear the ship but I am the captain and let me tell you. My captain, you're not the general. I am the lieutenant Michael finnett has graced us with his presence for 2021 years. And if you didn't know, I actually am the Christ I am the sort of thunder. I can also drink parrot Bay and make myself. A man delay because only in times of need, just Kevin Durant leave a team that needs because hes in the weeds but also how much Simpson was not a good character. So in the end, Buffalo really can't do what they want. Because neither can The Simpsons. And I'm pretty sure they already met.  Add an episode on this so as I said before. Just watch some t v dude it's time to gig and also play two k

5. The godbear would obviously win because quag and the stimulator are also being played while I try to learn how to become a truck driver. Oh, wait, that was the old me. It's time to become one with the truck and throttle the shift. Because without it, you will drift to sea and be like senses. Fail when they were lost at sea. Because you know that s***'s kind of gay. But Emma music isn't gay because we love gay. Because We Are One with t. Hey, give me a kiss, you dudes and also.  Give me a kiss, you f****** m************ cause hump time, but also the God bear wins, and without the godbear. You wouldn't have godbutter and we all know. Land lakes comes from God butter country, which is right next to Tacoma, which is also next to East Bay. Where people throw f****** dunkstown. Also, Kobe was not the goat, hes like, 11 all time. I'm taking Tim Duncan over him. Yep tim dungstan that's right you fucking hearted here ladies.

11. I'm gonna win International hockey, that's it like I went to Great Britain because Finland didn't wanna become new Finland or new Finland or also Finland but now I am in Great Britain and my boys like Tommy fiddler's dad or cousin or whatever he is now, yeah, that's. My guy and we're taking the ship. Because we like chips and also I could use some dip so if anyone hits giant Eagle on their way home, please stop in the daily section and get me some salsa. I'd really appreciate it also needs some dog food. So if you all are on the Prout, please do that for your boy. But yeah, it's Great Britain number one, everyone else number stupid.  And I'm pretty sure Lou fetcha tuba would actually know. That young fiddles is out here to play Kay here. And I'll go and Gray, and also it's just time. Alas, we made these. This is where we are fiddlestown, Michelle and cuz.

Cw word fitted

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

1: trivia

verification word: Formx

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Winnipeg has put together an impressive streak of Challenge Cup Finals appearances, but has no hardware to show for their dominance in the west so far. What do the Aurora have to do differently to get over the hump this year?
b. Buffalo, fresh off a rebuild, crushed their way through the first two rounds of these playoffs after coming in as a wildcard, scoring two consecutive sweeps against two of the best teams in the East. Have the Stampede convinced you? If so, what sold you?
c. Two very different teams took two very different routes to the Cup Final: which of them impressed you more? Why?
d. If it ain't broke don't fix it: Who you got? Who wins? Why?

c. Personally I'm impressed by Winnipeg. They may be going highly offensive which can be risky leaving the defense to hang out to dry, but I've been cognizant of their career since they started and it's highly satisfying to see their cup window approach and being taken full advantage of with their repeat showings to cup finals.
d. It's currently after the finals, but beforehand I would've backed Winnipeg as the winners. They're solidly in their window of contention while Buffalo kinda just snuck in to the playoffs on a hot streak. Winnipeg's current lineup just has more experience in playoff scenarios and I had hoped they would be able to put it to good use while they could.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Blood on the Ice (150 words min)
Continuing an emergent tradition: this year's final features a god-bear of cosmic wind facing an unfamiliar rival on a familiar battleground: this year, the great glowing north faces a furious herd of buffalo! Tell me who wins and why! The arena and the rules of the fight can be whatever you desire. Get creative!

Polar bear versus buffalo is quite a matchup. I think one on one, a buffalo has the advantage if both animals were intent on killing just based on its bulk and its normal attack method of charging. Wolves and other nimble creatures that usually hunt buffalo are more adept at avoiding punishment from such tactics, but I'm not sure polar bears are used to hunting styles that involve evasion and teamwork. It could definitely get a few swipes in against the buffalo but if they're both looking for blood a buffalo has a decent chance at just bowling right through the bear. Now, if it was a god-bear made of cosmic wind, it could definitely take on a buffalo. Taking on a herd of buffalo would be another matter, though it really depends on the size of the bear and how many buffalo. I'd say an elephant-sized polar bear could maybe take on 10 buffalo. Scientifically speaking, of course.

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