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S75 PT#4: Spooky Fat Guy Due: Monday, March 11th @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 02:07 PM by ShadowFenix.)

Option 2:
Shadow Fenix does cross train, but only in the off season. As mentioned in previous development posts, every off season, the Colorado Raptors take a trip up to the mountains where they stand under a waterfall and try to catch individual water droplets to work on hand eye coordination. Shadow Fenix takes this to the extreme, and actually participates in a competitive water catching league in the off season. He actually placed 3rd last season in the SWCL (Simulation Water Catching League) after a tough battle in the obstacles portion of the tournament. Turns out that Fenix's speed is good for getting him out of the way of checks from opposing players, but it could only help so much against the massive tree branch that fell down the waterfall. Nevertheless, Fenix was still able to grab a water droplet, but it slowed down his time. He vowed never to let this happen again.
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 02:11 PM by tomtommen. Edited 1 time in total. Edit Reason: typo and added option 2 )

Option 2:

Tom Pedersen of the Calgary Dragons is a firm believer in the benefits of cross-training to enhance his performance on the ice. In addition to his hockey-specific training, Tom engages in a variety of non-hockey-related activities to improve his overall athleticism and prevent burnout.

One of Tom's favorite cross-training activities is cycling. Not only does cycling provide a great cardiovascular workout, but it also helps to develop leg strength and endurance, which are crucial for powering through shifts on the ice. Additionally, Tom enjoys the mental refreshment and sense of freedom that comes with exploring new trails and landscapes on his bike.

Another activity that Tom incorporates into his training routine is playing computer games. While this may seem unconventional, gaming actually offers several benefits for hockey players. It helps to improve reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and decision-making skills – all of which are essential on the ice. Plus, gaming provides a fun and enjoyable way for Tom to unwind and destress after intense training sessions or games.

Overall, Tom Pedersen recognizes the importance of cross-training as a means of improving his hockey performance while also enjoying a diverse range of activities outside of the rink. Whether it's cycling, gaming, or other pursuits, cross-training plays a vital role in keeping Tom mentally and physically sharp throughout the season. Especially when you are on the losing side more often than not.

Words: 229

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Graphic Task: Draw your player playing a game or sport that is not hockey.

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Troy does a ton of Cross training. Every Off season, Troy starts off by doing 2 weeks of the bar crawls. That is where he goes from Bar to bar if Prague. From there, he plays "soccer" with a bunch of the Czech national team before the IIHF / WJC starts. During those tournaments Troy is also doing the usual workouts from before. The only added bonus is bagged skates on any off day. "a rolling stone gathers no moss" is the motto that Troy runs with. He also runs with "Every rose has it's thorns" and "I want it that a way" . However as far as cross training goes the most fun Troy has in the off season is snowboarding. While he admits it is against his SHL contact to do, what he does it uses a Recliner ski chair, so he is technically just sitting down while going down the mountain and incredible speeds.

oh, and also Troy does a lot of swimming with his best friend, Mikey Phelps.

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Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


pinli likes to play badminton twice a week to keep up those fast twitch muscles and reflexes. its surprisingly good cardio, and frankly just a good bit of fun. he has a lot of friends down at the community center where he plays and they're always happy to see him. he uses the money from his lucrative shl send down contract to buy nice nets and nice rackets for the whole gym to share. he gets a chance to chat with his buddies and play 5 or 6 really tough games of badminton in the hour and a half that he's there. the stop-sprint nature of it is definitely transferable to hockey, as well as the hand eye training, but really i think it's mostly for fun. it keeps him relaxed and not always thinking about hockey. that in and of itself can be a big benefit to a young player that's still finding where he fits in the league. for a few hours a week there's no worry about the J playoffs or how the big club is doing, it's just badminton baby!

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Mary was deeply unsettled by her companion on this weird little stroll. What horrible weather for some strange apparition to drag her out of her apartment and through the hideous Regina cold. If she didn't absolutely adore the very specific act of playing hockey for the Regina Elk, she would have firebombed this entire city by now. She focused on this distraction as she tried to block out the freak guiding her along, who was thankfully not the Ghost of Hockey Future. That would be a dire situation for their game indeed. No, he was merely her guide, his role was to lead her to a bunch of kids playing hockey. Aww. How cute. Mary ignored the fact that a strange man knew where a bunch of little kids played hockey, because that part unsettled her. Instead, she saw herself in one of the individuals out there on the ice. Not, of course, literally herself. But she saw a bit of herself in the way that one of the kids blasted a nuke past the poor goalie and then celebrated obnoxiously. Adorable! She should go say hey to this kid. But at that moment, she jerked awake. Her microwave was on fire. The popcorn had cooked too long.

Elk  Rage
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Sig by sulovilen!
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Option 2 Written Task: Hockey players often engage in cross-training to enhance their overall athleticism and performance on the ice. While hockey itself is a demanding sport that requires a unique set of skills, cross-training can provide various benefits such as improving strength, speed, agility, endurance, and overall fitness levels. Some common cross-training activities for hockey players include 1. Strength Training: Building strength is crucial for hockey players to excel in physical battles along the boards and in front of the net. Strength training exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and plyometrics can help improve power and explosiveness. Cardiovascular Conditioning: Hockey is a fast-paced sport that requires players to have excellent cardiovascular endurance. Cross-training activities such as running, cycling, swimming, or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) can help improve stamina and endurance on the ice. Flexibility and Mobility Work: Flexibility and mobility are crucial for preventing injuries and maintaining optimal performance. Yoga, stretching routines, and mobility exercises can help hockey players improve their range of motion and reduce the risk of muscle strains and joint injuries.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Option 2:

My player plays football (you know that sport that most of you call soccer), besides hockey. It is good practice for endurance and agility and it is a great team sport. If only there was not so much theatrics and embellishment in football I would probably enjoy it more than hockey. It is a way better team sport than hockey. I think in hockey luck is a way bigger factor with the game being so fast and played on ice with a small puck. But at the end of the day football does not pay my bills so I do have to play hockey a few times a week and football is just not as big in North America than it is overseas in Europe. But it helps me get better at the game and communicate better with my teammates. But the diving in football does piss me off a lot and it should be bannished.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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Rence stares as this kid effortlessly performs moves that he still struggles with as a pro. His crossover's are tight, his hands are silky, and his shot is pin point accurate. Rence would have killed for that natural skill growing up, but he knows so much more will go into becoming a great player. He gives the kid a nod after another bar down snipe, and the youngster skates over to where Rence is standing. "You're going to go through a lot of ups and downs, kid, but always keep your head up and stick down, kid. The world is going to tell you that you're great, but never believe your own hype. You'll be my spiritual successor here and if you play your cards right, you'll go down as one of the greats. But, most of all, celly your face off after every great play because they're going to be forever." The kid looks at Rence quizzically, but gives a sniff and nod in understanding. The kid is gonna be alright.

178 words

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Option 2:

Written Task: Does your player cross-train? Do you play other positions, other sports, or any non-hockey-related activity specifically to get better at hockey? If so, what and why? If you don't like talking about your player for these tasks, talk about cross-training for hockey in general.

I wouldn't exactly call it cross training, but Gato does practice Hockey in a cross environment sort of way. What exactly do I mean by that? Well Gato having learned the sport playing Street Hockey, still goes back to his roots training on concrete with rollerblades every off season to sharpen up his game in way you can't do in an ice rink environment. When it comes to playing street hockey there are no laws and loose rules, so you gotta learn to innovate, play fast, and shoot from the hip. While the game may be similar to Ice Hockey, the slight differences train you to think and react in different ways that organized Ice Hockey limit you from doing. There's also a lot less hitting and physicality to Street Hockey that makes the way you play the game finesse and agile in nature. You have to rely more on maneuverability rather than being a physical force out there.

159 words

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As Fry walked through the fog with the silent plague doctor, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. Was this truly the Ghost of Hockey Future? The answer came when they arrived at a frozen pond where children were playing hockey. One child, a boy named Charlie, stood out, effortlessly scoring a perfect goal. Fry realized that Charlie was destined to carry on his legacy, to become a star in the future of hockey. Looking into Charlie's eyes, Fry felt a surge of emotion. He knew he had to say something that would inspire and motivate this future star. With a deep breath, Fry spoke, "Charlie, always remember to play with heart. Let the love of the game drive you, and never forget that hard work and dedication will take you far." Charlie's eyes lit up with understanding, and Fry knew that his words would stay with him, inspiring him to greatness in the years to come.

157 Words

Option 2:

What a silly question to ask of course Cale trains other sports in the offseason in order to stay in top shape and work different muscles and skills. Two of the most popular ones are lacrosse and baseball. Of course you gotta mix in some golf because who doesn’t love golf? Doing different sports not only gives you the much needed mental break from hockey but also allows you to work other muscles and keep in decent shape while actually relaxing a bit. Cross training is a crucial tool in being able to work on hand eye and learning other things like patience. It also just gives that much needed mental break away from the ice. Cross training has and always will be part of the Cale Salad regiment of training and helped turn him into the player that he is today. Of course the most notable training that is a common factor in all of this is endurance because not one of these tasks he will be doing without a alcoholic beverage in his hand!

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some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

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Option 2:

Written Task: Does your player cross-train? Do you play other positions, other sports, or any non-hockey-related activity specifically to get better at hockey? If so, what and why? If you don't like talking about your player for these tasks, talk about cross-training for hockey in general.

I like to play all different sports. Not only does it keep the competitive juices flowing, but it also strengthens different muscles and builds stamina in other ways in order to have a more well rounded person. Other than hockey, I enjoy playing football mostly now, because my son has gotten completely into it. He wants to play as soon as he gets home from school every day. Other good sports to play are racquetball, tennis and more for leisure, baseball. I say for leisure as baseball is not really good for stamina, but it can be a great sport to build up some good team bonding and always good for a laugh. The other two I love because the massive amount of stamina that it can help build up. They are also both a ton of fun and get your moving all over the place, helping to strengthen ligaments and build up muscles too.


155 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4
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