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S69 PT #5: Everyone's a Critic February 26th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Tom Pedersen is only communicating with the social media Chirper. He recently left Twitter since it was total shite. The chirping hasn’t really begun yet as Tom Pedersen only has chirped once. But the plan is for him to chirp about important stuff more often. Fans need to get to know Tom Pedersen as the simple man he is. And Chirping is the perfect solution for easy communication with the fans. Whenever fans reply to Tom Pedersen he always takes time to answer as well. It is important to be there for the fans. They are the ones making Calgary Dragons pay for Tom Pedersen’s salary after all. Especially now that it’s time for a new contract there will hopefully be a bit more activity on the social media front. Tom Pedersen does everything he can to avoid conflicts off the ice so no arguing takes plays on his social media platform, but he can be a bit toxic towards other players.

Words: 162

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I think I would deal it with being a little two faced. I like how the basketball players or like Marshawn Lynch has dealt with reporters in the past. Kind of that passive aggressiveness on TV and when answering questions, acting like big shots knowing that their answers to the questions do not really change the outcome of the next game or the outcome of their next contract.
But when I would leave the press room and all those questions are done being answered, I would log into the Burner accounts I have and start insulting fans for the stupidity that they are saying online. You know those people who say "You are trash" or the ones that say "I could do better with my eyes closed" but they have the same structure as me writing this right now, Love handles and a T shirt that used to fit me but now is too tight around every bad part of my body. And then I would hope that I would not get caught answering it on my burner because I would not want to answer questions about it. That would be full circle wouldn't it haha

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

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Thanks Ragnarr!

The lack of star power and perceived "boringness" of NHL players is pretty complex. One possible reason for the perceived lack of star power in the NHL is the team-oriented nature of the sport. In basketball, you're playing your top guys 99% of the time. The focus is often on the team as a whole rather than on individual players, and as a result, the culture is set in a way that makes it so that no one wants to stand out. Another factor that may contribute to the lack of star power in the NHL is the relative lack of diversity among players. Hockey has historically been a predominantly white sport. This lack of diversity may contribute to a lack of relatability or appeal to certain demographics, which could limit the marketability of NHL players. Case in point: Connor McDavid, he is so bland despite scoring like a 150 points he is completely unmarketable. To make their stars more marketable and exciting, the NHL could focus on promoting individual players and their personalities more effectively. The NHL doesn't make enough content on the players themselves on youtube. I feel like there are a lot of enjoyable personalities out there but I only ever see McDavid, Mackinnon, Crosby, Eichel and whatever other bland player

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Nibbles has never let negative attention bother him, he always just lets it roll of his back. He does a great job staying focused on the game and he is a big believer in the fact that his ability will deal with all the trash talking and anything else that he has to face in a negative spot light . Even when he would face intense scrutinty about his size he was able to meet reporters with a smile and always get the final word in by having a great game or getting a game winning goal that he could rub their noses in. Nibbles will always just view it as part of the job and it will never really bother him. It might get under his skin from time to time but, you better believe that if it does he will be having the game of his life not long after that interview or question. Nibbles will always win!

159 words

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Credit to @Symmetrik
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Jaska Seppala of the Buffalo Stampede is a season veteran in the SHL having won multiple SHL challenge cups as well as IIHF gold metals. Throughout his entire career he has been given both positive and negative press from fans and journalists. Jaska Seppala loves the positive press from fans but when it comes to journalists Jaska Seppala remains unbothered. It is not worth going on a rant on twitter as that makes you look a little foolish. He might say some funny comments on twitter from time to time but never going on a toxic rant. Jaska Seppala just does what he has always done and play good ol hockey. He has nothing to prove to journalists as they will always have something bad to say no matter how you play. Jaska answers their dumb questions as well as he can and moves on with his life. Nothing too crazy for him he just wants to have fun playing hockey.

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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With the political climate being the way it is today, Atticus Hale chooses to stay off of social media. That way, he can avoid all the negativity that comes with it. That includes fans, critics, and journalists trying to pick fights and hurling insults. Even though social media isn’t the only outlet for fans, critics, and journalists to take, especially when being a professional hockey player comes with obligations to the media, Atticus tries to avoid confrontation with anyone not directly related to the team.

There are still fans in the stands and the aforementioned media obligations where you will inevitably come in contact with someone that just wants to get you riled up. In those cases, Atticus chooses to let his play on the ice speak for itself. It comes with the job so logically your job should do the talking. Case in point recently - Atticus had been playing lights out, trending toward the first 100 point season of his career. However, the last 7-10 games were really tough. Atticus fell into a production slump and ultimately came up short. Both fans and the media were quick to flip their script but Atticus tried not to let it bother him and has recently picked it back up in the playoffs.

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(This post was last modified: 02-26-2023, 01:25 PM by vbottas17. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was a rough night, the Nevada Battleborn lost to the Maine Timber 7-1. On top of that, Alexi Piastri's ears are still ringing.. he's a fan of metal and had attended a Satyricon concert after the game, Satyricon doesn't play U.S. shows so this wasn't one that he was going to miss.
Alexi had a blast but may have put down one or four too many long islands. Piastri turns on the t.v. and it looks like a local reporter is trying to turn this into some sort of scandal. "Piastri Over Hockey, Only Cares about Metal and Surfing" read the headline. This idiot was trying to say that Piastri was coasting after setting records in S67, and that his lack of focus was resulting in him not being able to replicate the previous seasons stats. Piastri recognized the reporter, called that piece of trash, and let them know how he felt about their speculation. "Listen here you dumb m*****trucker, you couldn't skate if your dogs life depended on it, much less hold a hockey stick, so why don't you mind your own dang business and get back to changing oil down at quicklylube, like your dad taught you to! Check the numbers and shut your mouth you broken tool." Piastri was obviously extremely displeased to use such harsh language.

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Lacksamus will take a page out of Marshawn Lynch's playbook and go with a "I am here because I am required to be". No one wants a bunch of people in their face after losing a game, even if they had a terrible night. Clearly I was playing at the proper level to make the team and have a role on the ice and even if there is an off day that does not invalidate my place on the team. Everyone has an opinion and they can keep saying whatever they like, but it is what it is. Just gotta get out there the next night and play the best game you can and deal with it. Getting into fights on twitter or lashing out at conferences does not do anything to help and will likely make you stay in the headlines longer which is the opposite of what the goal is there.

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Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King

"Obviously it's tough to come back to the rink after getting blown out 7-1, but I use it as a motivational thing. I was a big part of Hamilton getting blown out and I didn't do much offensively, just kinda skated around there aimlessly. I'm not going to sit up here and mope about what could have been last night, I know what I need to do to fix my game and make sure this doesn't happen again. All the guys in the locker room see the same things that they need to do too. It's on all of us to improve and tighten this s--t up. We're a great team here in Hamilton, one game shouldn't skew the rest of the season's performance in the public image. Bad games happen, we're not going to be winning every game by 3, 4, or 5 goals. It's a learning process. Rest assured, we're going to do everything we can to fix our game after last night and finish the rest of the season strong."

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Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Written Task:  
I think social media sucks first and foremost. In hockey, I think social media doesn't have anything to do with big time stars and players being boring. I think it is more about the players actually only care about playing hockey. Most of them are not self-absorbed divas. All they want to do is go out there and play hockey everyday. I know social media is the ticket to the younger crowds but you cant force a player to take part in something like social media beyond the sanctioned stuff. Social media is definitely not for everyone and I think majority of players feel this way. I also think in sports like hockey and baseball where they play everyday or every other day, social media would just be a distraction rather than focusing on what really matters which is doing your best and winning games. I think the games will evolve and include their rising stars that grew up using social media all the time to market the sport. Otherwise I think hockey is doing just fine with players who just love the game. 

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

Prompt 1

Patya am telling you for how deal with poor performance. Patya needing you to know that everyone need be open to criticism, is only fair. But, Patya also know is important skill for be able to identify own problems for tell coaches so can work on them for make much better. Patya know journalists job is for make content, so it not bothering Patya. Patya much more hate for disappoint fans but know it sometimes inevitable because expectations am being so high. Patya not get in fights on Twitter because Patya much friendly and want for make all friends! Patya also always trying for prove haters wrong with play because Patya know this best way for make them shutting up. Patya not do or say anything mean to reporters when say something about Patya play, usually just try for make joke.  This thing not really getting to Patya, is just part of being player of the hockeys in professional manner. Is okay for it happening, just need for learn to deal with appropriate.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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