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S64 PT #2: Deficit

After all the Texas Renegades funds have been spent on NFTs with absolutely zero returns, the team has decided that in order to get money back while keeping all of it's employees will be to partner with Subway. All in game food and beverages will be served by Subway. There will be a section in the stands that fans can join in on but will be mostly subway employees that will chant Subway! Subway! Subway! every 2 to 3 minutes throughout the game. All powerplays will be presented by Subway as well as the Penalty Kills. Kill the hunger with Subway! The first, second and third stars of the game won't be the players but will instead be the most popular sold subs of the game. Employees will still get paid their regular amount and will be fed with subway before games and during practices. Maybe this is something they should have done a long time ago. Maybe it's time to go get that Foot Long, Steak and Bacon on 12 grain bread with green peppers, pickles, jalapenos and don't forget the signature Subway Southwest chipotle sauce! Yes I'll have that toasted!

Thanks Subway!

[Image: 3WSeHAA.png]


Petr can't afford to take less money to help the team. Petr needs as much as money as possible to fund-, I mean feed my family back home. We are very poor and I am from a small farming village. Yeah that's it. So yeah I need more money or my family will starve, definitely NOT to fund my country's exploits that may or may not include human experimentation (especially the superhuman development program focused on creating the greatest hockey player of all time) of which I am not a product of, nor will it fund any international terrorism or neo-nationalist ideals that specifically target competitors in ice hockey, most of all, the IIHF's two expansion teams.

But uhhhh, unrelated to that, I love my country very much and would do anything and everything for them for they have given me everything and have made me all that I am. Just to clarify though that is NOT why I need the money.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]

Prompt 1

Well, if we're not allowed to fire @SDCore and/or @JNH to save money we'll have to get creative. There's a few measures we can implement, starting with renting out the away locker room as an apartment.  Now the Syndicate will have to share a locker room with the visiting team; things will get a little tight but I figure that'll bring in a few thousand per month as a good start, and we can also charge on top of that for season tickets. If fights start to break out in the room, that's not something a little green tape splitting the room in half can't fix. Next, this is the biggest one, we rebrand the team. Imagine, the Caterpillar® Chicago Syndicate, it just rolls right off the tongue. The last thing I can think of to bring in a little extra is to increase concession prices in the arena to like $5 million for a beer, $3 million for popcorn or a hot dog, and $4 million for nachos. This way we only really need to sell one of anything and we're already making more money off concessions for the season than we would have otherwise.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

The GM called me this morning to have a meeting about my upcoming contract extension. I've been here for a couple of seasons already and have enjoyed my time so I'm exciting to get negotiations underway.

I step into his office and right away I sense some nervous energy coming from him. I sit down and he jumps right into it. "Rock, we're living on the edge of our budget here. Ownership is telling to save more money in the next few seasons, but to also stay competitive. I hate this part of the job, but I want you to stay a member of the Panthers. However, I can't retain you at your current salary. We need to work it out and lower your contract cost."

I sat there for a few seconds to take in what he just said. Once I did, I just laughed. See, I had made a lot of money in my career already. I'm set and my family is set. What I don't have, are championships and I believe we have the team to make that happen in Los Angeles. I told him not to worry about me and that we can make a contract work that fits into the team's needs. He seemed relieved and happy that this worked out as well as it had.

I'm lucky enough to have made a lot in my career so I'm able to do this, but I know a lot of players haven't been so every situation is different. If you want to secure the bag, go out and do that. You want to take less to help build a stronger team? Do that too. Just be you and do what makes you happy.

(287 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]


There are plenty of opportunities for raising money:

- Hook up treadmills in the bench area to a generator, force benched players to run on those treadmills, and sell back the power to the stadium.
- Freeze fish under the ice to be later extracted for sale in the local fish market.
- Sell the ice shavings from the Zamboni to the local Halloween enthusiast club so they can construct creepy snowmen in cemeteries in the fall.
- Place each tooth lost during games under a pillow to collect tooth fairy money (NEW management has a contract with TFI (Tooth Fairy Inc) for higher rates of celebrity / athlete teeth).
- Provide asbestos abatement services to local businesses and disperse the waste asbestos as an aerosol in the opposing team's locker room.
- Receive payments from the government for injecting trackers directly from the seats into the ass-cheeks of people in the crowd, using exciting moments and loud noises in the game as a distraction from the brief moment of pain.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget


So, do you do it? Is your player willing to take less to help out the team? Does your player care about money? If so, do they have big obligations off the ice that they need the money for? A huge mortgage? A charitable foundation? Gambling debts? Why do you want the money? If they're just in it for the love of the game and couldn't care less about their contract, then why? Are you already set for life on your earnings? Do you live a humble life that doesn't require much? Tell me what would your player do in this situation and why. (150+ words).

If you asked Beck that a few days ago, he would have told you that he would be willing to take $0 to allow more cap room for the future-stacked Winnipeg Aurora. Winning cups is super important to Marcel and he would love to chip in towards victory. BUT, this morning he realized that the trading cards created by the SHL graphics team were so fire, he may need the extra cash to burn through some cards. If he is to create the ultimate card collection, he must start raking in the cash, no? These trading cards area dangerous game - his big safe bank of $65m isn't so safe anymore. Beck may need to enroll in some gambling support groups so he doesn't blow his whole TPE future on some virtual eye candy. He will probably take the minimum contract amount for the team, but will most likely start to earn some spending cash in other ways. 

(WC 157)

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


PT pass because I would simply not invest in NFTs.

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ef0174&is=66edaff4&hm=69...e3ef77306&]

Creative Prompt-
Today of all days we've learned very clearly the way for teams to make more money off of their fans, merchandising. Everyone is talking about, buying and wanting to spend every possible cent on these new trading cards so we should do the same thing with the fans. We can do trading cars, bobbleheads, towels, t-shirts, posters, if it can be merchandised we'll do it. The important part is to put a false value of rarity to all of the items. Label each bobblehead with a number out of 1000, only make a certain amount of certain cards so people will have to buy as many pieces of paper as possible.  On top of that we can have nights where players stick around and sign the new collectors item posters that we hand out, skyrocketing the value even more. We can even make out own SHL NFTs to sell to the fans, people are eating that stuff up right now. We'll be able to make back the money in no time selling all of this stuff.

[Image: rFu52UT.jpeg]

Quote:Written Task:  So, do you do it? Is your player willing to take less to help out the team? Does your player care about money? If so, do they have big obligations off the ice that they need the money for? A huge mortgage? A charitable foundation? Gambling debts? Why do you want the money? If they're just in it for the love of the game and couldn't care less about their contract, then why? Are you already set for life on your earnings? Do you live a humble life that doesn't require much? Tell me what would your player do in this situation and why. (150+ words).

Elwulf has been shrewd in his negotiations thus far in his career. And by that, we mean that he has always put the team first. He has managed to live extremely comfortably due to the lack of taxes in Tampa Bay which has allowed him to save some of his money. He originated from a humble background, being the son of a carpenter and a nurse, and knows very well how to make ends meet through tough times. Due to this, he knows that once he has to retire he can do so comfortably back home in Maine where living expenses are far cheaper than in Florida. As for the here and now, Elwulf would gladly take a slight reduction in his pay if it meant keeping the team afloat. He is not beyond looking for more sponsorship work outside of the rink to balance out the loss in salary. After all, he is nearing the end of his career anyways and is prepared for each season to be his last.

[Image: jericson112.gif]
[Image: 5p7vOwY.png][Image: NA3IV5m.png]

CREATIVE PROMPT : Today, ownership came down in the locker room and told us they would have to make some budget cuts for the year. It’s started with equipment. They told us that we would only be allowed to have one pair of skates for the old season and that these skates could only be sharpened at most once a week to save on electricity. After, they told use they would not purchase new sticks until there would be fewer than 10 replacement sticks left, which means if we broke all our sticks before the next order, we would have to use one of our teammates. Then, he told us the team would stop serving lunch after practice like they used to do, which made a lot of players unhappy, because it broke their game day routine, since they used to eat lunch there, after morning skate. Finally, he told us he would be selling the practice rink and that we would move all our activities to the main arena for now on.

170 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2022, 02:14 AM by natedoeshockey. Edited 2 times in total.)

Prompt 2/Player Prompt

Listen for Patya. Patya am work whole life for this moment, for this opportunity. Patya am NEVER take less than what Patya is worth. Patya only get this for one time. When Patya am getting old and slowing down, Patya am have for leave hockey. Patya am never play again and never make many American dollars for expensive houses and expensive cars and expensive suits and expensive foods. Patya am refuse for not being paid like superstar. Patya am having many obligations off ice for needing much pay. Patya also sending moneys for family for support. Patya also supporting charitable causes. What am do if running out of monies? Am live with Kristen in cardboard box? NO. Patya am never letting any of this happens. Maybe Patya think this making Patya sound like jerk but Patya am just telling truth like it is. Patya am expect for players always to watch out for themselves, just like Patya am do. If people am having problems with this, Patya am say sorry. Am learn about this recently, is called "secure the bag." Kristen am teach Patya this, like she am teaching me many things.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
[Image: 65011_s.gif]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

Player task:

First of all, William Salming just renewed his contract with Argonauts on last offseason. The deal was three years and 18 million dollars which means 6M per year. That means William is set for life and doesn't need more money. For him, the most important thing in the contract was term. He wanted to have a long contract and stay as an Argonaut forever. That's why also in this case if William would be called to the office and asked to cut his salary, William would do it for sure. Why? Because team is bigger than individual. Club is bigger than human being. That is thing that never changes. If club stays alive by cutting player salaries, it needs to do it and we as a players need to accept it. It is simple as that. Salming wouldn't judge anybody in that case. He would forgive for the people who lost money and encourage environment to collect that money back from the companies in the area with sponsorship deals.

[Image: salming.png]

Player prompt:

Taking a money cut? How dare they asked this off me. Just because I currently have a large amount of money in the bag, that does not mean that they can just cut back on my deals? I have rights too you know. Especially with the new found addition of buying ice level cards which costs 300.000 a day for just three packs (kind of expensive if you compare this to real life) you know you can’t cut back on my contract deal.

If you really would like me to lower my salary, you should pay me with free packs instead, find a deal with the league to get me more packs then my salary is worth. So the team management should get creative, not the players. So get us on free subscription packs for the season and give ice level a guaranteed sale like that, its a win win situation for both parties right?

Words: 156

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)

(This post was last modified: 03-29-2022, 05:51 AM by Snussu.)

Player prompt

[Image: SHL-PT.gif]

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

Even though Moritz Seider really needs money he'd take a pay cut for the team. After all its a team sport and you can only be as good as everyone around you. Just as shown by the Detroit falcons this season. We were able to get a first line Defenseman to help out. That was Moritz was able to get more time in the 2nd line and gain more experience. Its also awesome to play in the same line as Holden Steady, its so easy to play with him! Also as you can see this season it really pays off to take a paycut here and there to strenghten the team. We went from the bottom to 3rd in the league right now. Hopefully we can win it this season! We should be even better next season with at least 3 - 425 capped defenders! Our S64 Draft picks, Holden Steady, Johny Patey and myself are absolutely balling!

[Image: IMG_4351.jpg?width=507&height=676]

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